Annual Reports

Our annual Trustees’ Report and Accounts gives detail on how our charity is organized and delivers its mission to improve the lives of street children in Rwanda. The Report includes a commentary on the accounts, explaining where our income comes from and how we have spent it.

The charts below illustrate financial results for the latest financial year to 30 June 2022. The full Trustees’ Report and Accounts can be viewed using the link at the foot of this page. Most of our income came from individual donors (82%). We were delighted to receive significant support from Chessmann Consulting Limited, which constitutes the bulk of organisational income reported.

Overall 97 pence in every pound was expended on grants to our Rwandan partner agency, SACCA, for delivery of services supporting street children. We expect our grant expenditure to form at least a similar proportion of spend in the current financial year.

Income 2021/22

Expenditure 2021/22

Trustees’ Reports and Accounts for previous years can be downloaded below.

Streets Ahead Rwanda is a charity registered in England and Wales no. 1139432 and a limited company registered in England and Wales no. 7114959.