Our Partner in Rwanda

Streets Ahead Rwanda works in partnership with a Rwandan NGO, the Streets Ahead Children’s Centre Association (SACCA), to transform the lives of street children and give them hope for the future. SACCA is an established community based NGO with a successful record, and our partnership involves a close working relationship.

SACCA operates in the Eastern Province of Rwanda. The Head Office is in Kayonza, a large market town. Social Work is coordinated from that office, and training facilities and a centre for community work and accommodation of beneficiaries are on the same site.

Life on the streets for a child is stark and tough, unable to rely on the support of a caring adult. Adequate food, shelter and medical care are all issues, and girls on the street are particularly vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. After such experiences children are helped to secure a safe and caring home, with counselling and support through matters like drug addiction and recovery from extreme abuse. Since its foundation in 2003 SACCA has assisted more than 1,500 children rejoin their family or community.


Reuniting with family

SACCA works with other organisations involved in rehabilitation of street children, across Rwanda, to place street children with their families in SACCA’s area of operation in Eastern Province. Children are reunited with family or extended family wherever possible, reliable and safe. No child is made to do anything for which she or he does not feel ready. While SACCA looks to help children return home and reintegrate in their families, forcing children is not productive.

SACCA’s team of social workers establishes connections and acts as a liaison for both child and family to ensure the suitability of such a move, facilitating reintegration where it is appropriate and desired by all parties involved.

Continuing support for Children and Families

Following reintegration families may be provided with material assistance (typically emergency food and household equipment) and follow up activities to address the reasons for the original separation and to strengthen the capacity of the family to provide for and nurture all the children in their care. That ongoing support may include small income generating projects or training to improve household income. In many cases families are given financial support to maintain children in education.

SACCA has a strong network and knowledge within its local community, which particularly strengthens its fieldwork with families and monitoring after children have rejoined them.

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Livelihoods programme

SACCA also has developed a strong Livelihoods programme. The programme has covered whole villages improving agricultural techniques and practice. It is currently aimed at unemployed youth in the local community.

Training includes construction, hairdressing, hospitality and office administration. The programme has been extended to support disabled young people.

This programme is currently receiving funding (over a 3 year period) from the UK Department of International Development.

RAPID Covid Response

SACCA has had further UK Government funding for delivery of a major programme to respond to the health and welfare challenges of the pandemic and lockdown in Kayonza District, where SACCA is based. The programme was managed over 6 months from September 2020 to February 2021 and focused on the urban sectors of the District, which had seen the biggest economic impact of lockdown locally. As well as addressing the dire need that arose for the poorest in the community, the work included installation of washing stations across the area and the reinforcement of good hygiene practice – which is expected to have long lasting positive effects in future.


Street scenes in this video are acted by children that SACCA has placed in secure and caring homes.