The continuing work in Rwanda
SACCA’s Girls’ Centre closed in October, but though SACCA’s rehabilitation centres are closed many of the children that SACCA has helped in the past continue to need support, and SACCA continues to work with children on the street. The current goals of SACCA’s project with street children which we support are:
To reunite or otherwise place 25 children with family in the year to 30 June 2021.
Support 134 families where children are already reintegrated in basic living costs and security of housing, to counter the impact of lockdown and other restrictions due to the pandemic.
Continue education support for 160 children. And support 4 young people in becoming financially independent.
On top of this, SACCA will have delivered a short but very significant project covering health care and basic family support for urban families in Kayonza district over the period September 2020 – February 2021. This has been funded by the UK Government and has helped deliver additional support to poorer families where children have been reintegrated and also address the situation of street children in the 6 month period of the project. SACCA’s work focused on securing livelihoods for young adults also continues.
So supporters should be reassured that SACCA is more active than ever in support of the poorest in its community.