The impact of Covid-19 measures on our partner SACCA
Since the easing of lockdown in Rwanda on 4 May SACCA staff have been able to travel to work and are focusing on supporting children’s education during the period (until September) when schools are closed. Where children are re-united with their family but educational support continues to be needed SACCA are supplying educational materials and, where necessary, radios to enable children to receive the lessons being broadcast nationally.
The girls in the centre have a programme of education and support so that learning continues during this period and they are kept occupied during what is still quite an isolating period. During the period of lockdown there were just 15 girls in the centre, since a focus on reuniting girls with families in January and February had meant numbers were very low when lockdown came in. Transport is allowed within Eastern province now so we wait on news of SACCA being able to accept more girls.